"I love my university! I graduate in a year, but this place will always have my heart! #txst #TxStateFollowTrain #TXSTpride #EatEmUpCats" -@flexxiss- (via twitter)
"Everything is bigger in Texas, but everything is better at Texas State..." #TxStFollowTrain #BobcatNation
-@AlexEgge- (via twitter)
"Once a Bobcat, always a Bobcat..." -@KtCheyenne- (via twitter)
Good evening everyone. It was a very busy graduation weekend here in San Marcos, America. The San Marcos Daily Record reports that Texas State University had over 4,500 May graduates, which is a new record for my alma mater. On Friday I had the pleasure of attending a graduation party for my friend David at the Texas Music Theater. I informed David that he was going to be roasted a little here because I have NO IDEA how he graduated. :) Anytime that I see any facebook status involving David, he is ALWAYS doing something different with one of his 1,668 facebook friends. David - 1,668 Coach - 4 (in case you're keeping score at home). David is obviously a great guy and his party provided me with a graduation weekend "halftime" if you will, as I worked a couple of shifts before his party and a couple of shifts after it. David is also a graduate of San Marcos High School, as is our mutual friend, Summer Rodriguez's big sister. Summer's big sister is now working on her Master's Degree at Texas State, and I wanted to mention the 4.0 that she made for the spring semester (I mean, if that's the BEST that she could do)... :) Congratulations on a great end to the spring David and Ashley! In this blog I've mentioned my unexpected August return from Las Vegas to San Marcos on several occasions, and thanks to many of the people in this group, and to one of the fall graduates in particular, that transition was made bearable. Earning a Bachelor's or Master's Degree as the people in this group have done is such a special achievement, and I'm honored to share in your celebration, and to share your names with the three people who might read this... ;) Seriously, I am very proud of all of you, and I wish you the best of luck in the future! Here is your Texas State Class of 2013:
Amy Angelino
Natalie Berko
Abby Bland
Kim Castelluccio
Emily Castillo
Natalie Cavazos
Kate Church
Melanie Clancy
Yesenia Contreras
Evan Floyd
Liz Gray
Alyssa Macias
Chelsea Mansfield
Keri Nolan
Courtney Parisi
Brittney Reyes
Gabbie Sapien
Alison Sibley
Ryan Stewart
Lauren Tharp
Colleen Toornburg
Lindsey Tovar
David Valle
And I just found out about another San Marcos High School graduate and UTSA Roadrunner: Congratulations Amanda Villalpando! :)
I am sick right now and I'm more than a little tired, so if you're a friend of mine that just graduated and you don't see your name here, just let me know and I'll edit you in... ;) Have a great evening and I'll see you again tomorrow! And..., Eat 'Em Up, Cats!
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