Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

I Remember The First Time (16)

"Love..., I don't like to see so much pain..., SO MUCH wasted, and this moment keeps slipping away..."
-Peter Gabriel- (In Your Eyes)

"My son has been watching some sort of throwback superhero cartoons, and some of them have Wonder Woman in them.  He goes, "Mommy, why isn't she wearing pants or EVEN shorts???  Why is she just wearing UNDERWEAR?"  Me:  "Well I guess that's her superhero suit."  My son:  "Oh.  I love her...  I want to hug her...  I want to marry her..."  Well, that escalated quickly...  :( "
-Amy Shutt Bettis- (via facebook)

"You're the reason I'm strong, don't you think I don't know, this is where I belong, give me..., the time..., to say that you're mine, to say that you're mine..." -Jon Secada- (If You Go)

I remember the first time I graduated...  Well, the graduations are now in full swing here in San Marcos, America.  As if I needed proof of this, when I returned home from buying groceries this morning, a 'Lonestar Party Bus' was pulling up to the apartment complex next to mine and loading passengers, at 11:20 a.m. on Thursday morning...  :)

I remember the first time that my fantasy baseball teams were cursed...  Oh wait, that was last year...  Okay, so I've already titled a blog entry after the amazing Zach Greinke (Zach "lets duck my shoulder down into a charging player and break my collarbone" Greinke), and now Roy Halladay is going to be having surgery...  The View From Bikini Hill - Greinke (my 6th pick)/Halladay (my 8th pick).  The Bikini Hill Bobcats - Greinke (my 6th pick)/Halladay (my 7th pick).  Is it FOOTBALL season yet???  :(

I remember the first time that I blamed something on the 'Chi-O's' (at this point, the Chi-O's HAVE TO BE the official sorority of Bikini Hill)...  :)  Okay, so I'm up at the Veranda last night, watching over the 200 customers that we had celebrating the end of the semester, when the Chi-O's show up (cue ominous music - DUN DUN DUNNNNN)...  Castelluccio gets her birthday hug (see that Verissimo?  Castelluccio gets mentioned TWICE for her birthday, and evidently I never gave you a birthday shoutout)...  :P  Alyssa gets a hug (because she's not in the blog enough), Contreras gets a hug (I'm about to talk about another Gabby, and don't want to confuse people), and then I hug another girl that's with this group, because I know her...  AS SOON AS I see her amused expressed, and see her turn to the guy that she's with, I realize..., "OH MY GOD..., I DO NOT know this girl..."  I'm thinking that she looks a lot like Maureen Allen ('Mo'), who would be with this group.  I'm also thinking that she looks a lot like Gabriela Castellana, who I'm now realizing looks a lot like Mo...  Anyway, after hugging this Gabby/Mo doppelganger, I apologize and tell her that she looks a lot like someone I know (two people actually) and she's cool with it - she saw me hug my ACTUAL friends and it's obvious that I'm working, sporting the very cool white towel hanging from my stylish khaki cargo shorts...  And then I slink away (DUN DUN DUNNNNN)...  :)

I remember the first time that I fell asleep...  This is a little more background on the Spurs victory against Golden State a few nights ago.  Since Monday was my Saturday, I was coming off of working my Sunday night shift, and I only slept for about three hours before making my blog entry and heading to San Antonio to hang out with my dad.  After he finished work, we went to the Outback Steakhouse, where I naturally had the seafood combo (mahi, shrimp, and scallops).  ANYWAY, when I returned to San Marcos, America, the Spurs/Warriors game was in the second half, and I laid down to watch it..., again, running on just three hours of sleep.  I crashed at about the five minute mark of the fourth quarter, when Duncan went to the locker room with stomach issues.  The Spurs were down fifteen at this point, and I didn't wake up until there was about a minute left in the first overtime.  The reason that I'm telling this story is that..., well..., laying on my bed with my sleepy eyes reading the score on my t.v. screen, I honestly thought that we lost the game at the end of the first overtime when our shot (by Ginobili I believe) came up short, hitting the bottom-front of the rim before falling to the floor...  Then I heard the commentators say that we were going to a SECOND overtime...  :P  At work last night I was hearing stories about people that fell asleep at the end of the game and had thought that we lost until they saw the score the next morning, so I just wanted to tell my little story.  Also, if you watched either (or both) of the first 2 games, maybe now you're understanding why I picked this series to go 7 games.  The Warriors played very well against the Nuggets, and my Spurs are VERY LUCKY to be heading to Oakland not down 2-0...

I remember the first time that I didn't fall for that again...  Okay, back to the graduations that are taking place here in town.  If you are driving toward the Square on Hopkins from I-35, DO NOT make the right turn onto Charles Austin Drive...  I made the mistake of doing this last semester at this time, and the traffic is being handled in the same way again.  Charles Austin Drive (which is home to the Texas State baseball and softball fields) is closed, but the 'road closed' sign and the traffic cops are both positioned about a quarter-mile DOWN THE ROAD instead of being located at the intersection of Hopkins and Charles Austin.  DO NOT fall for this trap and have to make the U-turn...  ;)

I remember the first time that I wasn't sure when my next blog entry would be...  I'm thinking that there's a high likelihood that you will see me again before Monday because the NHL is probably going to conspire against me (much like the NBA did) and start a second round playoff series before Monday, and WHAT WOULD YOU DO if I wasn't here to give you my prediction(s)???  :O

Have a great day and I'll see you soon!


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