Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Moaning Like A Ghost

"But I'm sorry now..., and I don't know how..., to get it back..., to good..."
-Matchbox Twenty- (Back To Good)

Good evening everyone.  In the past few hours I suddenly went from being sleepy and unmotivated to write to a place where I feel like I could easily fill this blog for days...  Let's begin with me waking up a few hours ago.  I was up for a few minutes when I noticed something strange-looking on my bedroom floor.  Then I looked into the glass mug where my betta lives..., lived...  I was immediately FURIOUS with myself...  For the second time in a month, I've had a betta jump out of this mug to its death.  "Coach, don't put so much water in the mug..."  Yeah..., thanks...  Both times this has happened after I've changed the water in the mug, and obviously there isn't as much water in the mug this time as there was the last time that this happened.  Bettas have always been a favorite pet of mine because they're easy to take care of.  I get along well with most cats, dogs, people, etc..., but I've always had such a busy schedule that I wouldn't be able to adequately care for a cat or a dog (or a betta evidently)...  I hate that I put the betta in a position where it could do harm to itself - the betta obviously didn't know any better.  I hate when I do this with people too...

So now that my day has begun, let's cruise around San Marcos, America to get some errands done.  My first stop is to pay my electric bill.  There's no problem paying this bill, but then I have to make the short trip down the street to Time Warner...  Oh, Time Warner..., it's been a few months since I've had issues with you..., September I believe it was...  I walk up to the clerk to pay my internet and cable bill, and I'm greeted with, "it will cost you two dollars to pay your bill with me, or you can walk over to that kiosk..."  I've driven to Time Warner, saving them the hassle and expense of processing a mailed check, and now I get to use the kiosk - LOVELY...  Now my anger shifts from myself to Time Warner (actually, I'm still upset with myself)...  OF COURSE the kiosk does not recognize my phone number, I do not have my 16-digit account number memorized, nor do I have the copy of my bill with me.  So back up to the counter I go, the clerk looks up my account (by my phone number), and is surprised that the kiosk didn't recognize the number.  Then the clerk tells me to go back to the kiosk as she relays from 16-digit account number to me from across the lobby (I know)...  I go through the process of paying my bill, and then immediately return to the counter so that I can get a number to SOMEBODY'S PHONE where I can express my sincere gratitude and pleasure with this new system of payment, telling the clerks that it's pretty sweet that I'm directed to a kiosk after I've already driven to their location (there is probably some sarcasm in this sentence)...  At this point, BOTH CLERKS shed their poker faces and tell me that they HATE this new system.  They bring up the good point of the elderly customers on fixed incomes who will have problems using this system being whacked with the extra two bucks a month.  As I was leaving the lobby, I wisecracked (me, wisecrack?..., NAH...) that since Time Warner had finally added the NFL Network, they evidently had to find a new way to aggravate their customers...

My last stop after paying my phone bill (which again, has always been by kiosk, which makes me wonder why I haven't been upset with Verizon... -  ANYWAY...) was at the library to see if the tax booklets and forms were in.  The 1040, 1040A, and 1040 EZ forms ARE IN, but only the 1040 EZ booklets are in (you're welcome San Marcos, America).

Before I woke up, my intention was to write almost a complete entry about last night's 'Mardi On The Square IV.'  (Oh, by the way, you will not be reading a poker or Las Vegas-related entry today, but on Friday you will see a combination of the two...).  After venting over the course of the last few paragraphs, I've decided that I will dedicate some of tomorrow's space to what took place at work last night, but I do have a shoutout for one of my twitter followers and blog readers in the next paragraph.

This is one of those predictions that I didn't bother to type into the blog, and it happened sooner than I expected honestly.  My brilliant brain (I'm still upset with myself about my betta) figured that with my increased twitter following, and with the newfound Bobcat readership that my blog has been receiving, I was bound to have a total stranger come up to me at work sometime toward the end of February (definitely by spring break) to let me know that they follow my blog.  Low and behold, last night as one of our customers walked by me, she stated, "I follow you on twitter."  I immediately asked her if she read my blog.  She said that she did as she kept walking, and in my head I was like, "WHOA..., WHOA!!!"  (This would be my only other reader except for you of course)...  ;)  Well, I found out what her name is, and Jamie, welcome to Bikini Hill!  :)

Okay, so when I get home from the library, I look at my facebook, where I see this status:  "Was just escorted out of the zoo..." -Alyssa- (and her two friends)  OH, I have the feeling that this would make a REALLY GOOD STORY for the blog...  :P

In addition to making Jamie famous, I have one more little story to pass along from last night.  I've told you that our pathway to the Veranda has been referred to as maze, a labyrinth, Dexter's Laboratory, etc...  WELL..., last night, a couple of older gentlemen walked by me (and this was very early in the night, i.e., no one even had the time to drink yet), when one of the gentlemen (and I'm talking older than me here) starts... MOANING LIKE A GHOST...  Hmmmm...  :)  God bless San Marcos, America...

Now that Texas State is Division I in every sport, the Bobcats are officially my favorite team in every NCAA sport, but I have been a longtime North Carolina basketball fan (even before Michael Jordan wore the jersey - see, I told you that I'm 100 years old...).  ;)  I'm mentioning this because the Tar Heels will be on t.v. tonight at 2nd-ranked Duke.  You automatically hate Duke if you like North Carolina, and who can blame you?  The Duke players stay for four years, they graduate..., WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!  ;)  Anyway, that basketball game will be on tonight if you have the inclination to watch rivalries and such...

I hope that you have a great day and I will see you again tomorrow!



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