"If I ever lose my faith in you, there'd be nothing left for me to do..." -Sting-
Good afternoon everyone. For a late afternoon posting, I could give you the same old song and dance (I'm doing chores, I slept in, blah, blah, blah...) (all of which is true) (this is the use of the lesser-known "triple parentheses by the way), but instead I'll just give you my Monday ramble.
My weight is now at 230 pounds. I have been forgetting to update you on this for the past..., I'm not sure how many Mondays (you can have your statisticians look it up in my last few Monday posts if you're curious), but I have gained back a little bit of weight, which I'll blame on the dreary weather, the fact that my sleep is more out of whack than normal, and the completely predictable outcome, which is me finding the soda cans again (as I take a sip of this ICE-COLD Dr. Pepper)... "Don't Judge Me" (in the words of the immortal Adam Martinez)... ;)
After you have just read two of the worst paragraphs in the history of my blog (and that's saying something - wink, wink), let me share something that I found yesterday. As I was laying in bed not really watching t.v., I decided to search my blog on my Droid (yes, I hadn't reached this pinnacle of boredom previously). In the list of matches that came up, I found this, which comes to us from the 'Professional Roads Blog' (August 22nd, 2012 entry):
"The View From Bikini Hill: Good long blog posts. If there's a detail he leaves out, it would be tough to find..."
Based on the list of blogs that this GEM of a statement was mentioned with, I am SURE that this writer was referring to my poker entries and the way that I break down hands, but just the same, I LOVED the review... :)
WHAT is 'Mardi On The Square' you ask? Mardi On The Square is the reason that I will be taking life really easy today... Tomorrow night in San Marcos, America, the Square will be hosting this event for the fourth time. From all accounts that I have heard, this is going to be a really good night to be out and about, and my workplace is one of FIVE bars on the Square (DUH) that is playing host to this event. Yes, beads will be handed out. The things that people will do for beads (well, I'm sure that you've heard)... Well, the beads being advertised will be handed out for free starting at 10:00 p.m., and if it's expected to be a busy night, you KNOW that I'm working, so yeah, I'm just kicking back and entering blog posts at 4:00 p.m. CST today... :P And YES, you probably will be hearing more about this event later in the week, after it has taken place... :)
This promises to be a very busy week, as Thursday is Valentine's Day (you forgot, didn't you?)... :) Somehow I have TWO Valentines this year (and NO, don't think negative things about me - this isn't a case of... I'm taking Girl 1 out at 7:00 and meeting Girl 2 at 9:30 - it's actually 8:00 and 10:30 - I'm KIDDING...). This is a case of Girl 1 coming up to me and saying, "Coach, we're going to be your Valentines this year" (okay, "year" means a couple of hours, and she may not have actually said the word "year")... ANYWAY, if Girls 1 and 2 don't mind, you'll hear more about this later, as they're sure to TREASURE the gifts that I selected for them (probably???, maybe???)... Of course, I have to work on Thursday, so there's THAT... :P
Valentine's Day will be followed up by the home opener for the Texas State baseball team on Friday against Missouri State, a game that I have plans to attend. Eat 'Em Up, Cats!
A quick work story here... As I've stated here recently, several of our student-customers have been introducing themselves to me during the spring semester as a result of having seen me throughout the fall. Now I REALLY have to work on remembering people's names, especially meeting SO MANY strangers, but I'm picking on others in this paragraph... ;) In the first group (guys and a gal), the girl in the group pipes up..., "I met you last week - your name is..., CHUCK, right?" Coach..., Chuck..., pretty close... :) In the second group, which consisted of three girls, the group admitted to me that they couldn't remember my name, but after I told them, one of them exclaimed, "Yeah, I knew it was something like that..., like 'Scout' or something..." Of course they continued to call me Scout every time that they saw me on Saturday night, and I'm sure that is going to be their nickname for me for the rest of eternity... :)
Okay, if you've noticed the pageview counter at the top right of the page, you may have figured out that sometime this week my little blog is going to surpass the 25,000 mark. I wish that I had a way of tracking who the 25,000th viewer is so that I could give out a prize (and then you KNOW that people would be clicking on the page like crazy as the number got close)... :) Well, I'm at as much of a loss as you are as to why people aren't doing better things with their time, but to all of you who are reading this right now, and to everyone who has contributed to Bikini Hill, letting me mention them here and use their stories, I really do appreciate it... Thank you...
I hope that all of you have a great day and I'll see you again tomorrow!
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