Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Civilization 1 Mayans 0

Good morning everyone and Happy New Year!  The title of today's entry is proof that I'm stealing from my facebook page for 'Bikini Hill'.  You'll actually be seeing a lot from my facebook page here in the near future as I was using it as a sort of "notebook" while I was in Las Vegas, making entries with the intention of looking back later so that I could remember everything that I did on my recent trip to the desert.  The title refers to the status that I posted very shortly after midnight on December 22nd while I was playing poker at the Flamingo.  Up until I said something to my table, I think that I was the only one aware of the time and that we had survived the Mayans' prediction.  My facebook status read, "Civilization 1  Mayans 0, But thanks for playing..."  (You can ask for your money back at this point, but just remember that this is free, SOOOO...).

Anyway, I don't have to work today, and there are SIX college bowl games on t.v...  I did work last night, and it was predictably a very active evening on the Square in San Marcos, America as everyone was ringing in the new year.  The first day of January is a very important point in the break between the fall and spring semesters in San Marcos as people FINALLY start returning to town.  For those of you who are new to 'Bikini Hill', San Marcos, America is a college town, and I CANNOT STAND the quiet that consumes the town for the month that the college students go home for their Christmas Break.  I was the recipient of many handshakes and fistbumps and hugs last night from excited people who are excited for the arrival of 2013.

Speaking of 2013, I do have one prediction for you this morning.  In addition to the numerous sports predictions that I make here, I also venture into other areas.  This educated (???) guess happens to do with the blog.  At somewhere around the 4,000 view mark, I had predicted that the blog would reach 20,000 total views by this morning.  The number actually came in at about 19,390.  This morning I am feeling very confident, and I am going to predict that 'Bikini Hill' will reach the 75,000 view mark by the end of 2013.  Now my blog is just over 15 months old (birthday September 28th, 2011), and receiving 100 views on any given day is noteworthy.  For 'Bikini Hill' to reach 75,000 total views in the next 12 months, the blog will have to average just over 4,500 views per month, or 150 views per day (4,500 x 12 = 54,000).  54,000 + almost 20,000 = almost 74,000 (you get the idea)...  I also predict that at the end of the year, I am the ONLY ONE who is going to care about this at all...  ;)

Also for those of you who are new to the blog, remember that there are plenty of entries that you can catch up on if you find yourself with some free time during this first week of January where New Year's Day falls on a Tuesday.  I did a 'teaser' for one of these posts last night on my twitter account where a customer who was leaving my workplace hugged me while I was wearing two oversized sweatshirts and then exclamined, "YOU'RE LIKE A GUMMY BEAR!!!"  I do tell many work stories here among the random topics and sports predictions and Las Vegas and poker musings.  Speaking of Las Vegas, if I had to guess right now, I would say that the chances that I would be able to move back to the desert this coming summer are probably less than 10% right now.  For those of you who don't know, I would be content (workwise) to spend my days playing poker and betting sports (football preferably).  Now be aware that when I say this, I am not fond AT ALL of living in the desert, and that San Marcos, America (Texas) is the one place that I have enjoyed calling home above all others.  Anyway, I have about 220-something older posts if you find yourself with some free time, and if you go WAY BACK, the writing was definitely worse at the start...  ;)

When you come back tomorrow, there is a 100% chance that you will be reading a post about my recent holiday vacation in Las Vegas.  Enjoy the first day of the new year and I'll see you then!

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