"Decide what makes you happy and fight for it..." -via Jade Monahan- (via facebook)
"It's amazing I've been able to stay above water in #FantasyBaseball with David Price, Bryce Harper, Ian Kinsler, and Jose Reyes all on the DL..." -@AMAAS- (via twitter)
"One smile can start a friendship. One word can end a fight. One look can save a relationship. One person can change your life..." -@BestTextMsgs- (via twitter)
"The Heat are going to lose tonight..." -@texasguy04- (via twitter)
"It's better to look back on life and say, "I can't believe I did that," than to look back and say, I wish I did that"..." -@thechrismyzter- (via twitter)
Could you tell me about the new feature that you added to your blog today Coach? Good morning everyone. There is now a search window over to the right (I haven't been able to figure out how to label it) that allows you to search for words that are included in every single blog entry that I've made (I tested it earlier by typing in 'Ginobili'...). ;) I know someone named Alyssa who should have HOURS OF FUN with this... :)
Could you make up your mind? I've decided that this five posts per week schedule is only going to be valid through the month of June (sorry Miletus). HOWEVER, I will still post 4 times per week starting in July, instead of scaling it all the way back to 3 entries...
Could you let us know what you neglected yesterday? I meant to include that fantasy baseball tweet that's shown above in yesterday's entry. And HE THINKS that he's having problems with his fantasy team... :) Click on a few of my recent Monday entries Andrew... :(
Could you tell us about another famous UT Twitter follower that you've picked up? The UT-Austin Albino Squirrel is now following me in Twitterland... In the first of SEVERAL posts that I'm sure to mention the squirrels at UT in the coming months, well..., you can follow this on Twitter by going to @AlbinoSquirrel5. While working at UT-Austin, I saw this squirrel on numerous occasions, and I'm SO STOKED that I found him on Twitter... :) The squirrels at UT will actually APPROACH YOU for food instead of scampering away, and I'm talking about almost attacking you, even if you don't have food... :)
Could you give me my money back? I watched Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Final last night (a Bruins victory over the Blackhawks - Boston now leads the series 2-1), and the game DID NOT go to overtime... I want a refund...
Could you FIGHT for my chicken wrap? I walked over to McDonald's on Father's Day (I spent Sunday with my Dad at the bar that he has worked at for almost 34 years), and the wrap was among the things that I ordered. I was honestly waiting very patiently, and the wrap was the only item that wasn't ready. As the cashier is standing at the row of obstacles separating him from the kitchen, he starts POUNDING HIS FIST on the handle of the refrigerator door as he's looking back, wondering what is taking the cooks so long to come up with the wrap. His impatience was inspiring... :)
Could you miss me? I've visited my old workplace several times during the past week during walks around San Marcos, America, and I actually went there on Saturday night just to see how the other half lives... :) It was then that I was told by one of my former coworkers and friends that I'm a "legend..." Evidently, one of the customers that approached this friend of mine asked, "Where's that man that's always here? He's a LEGEND..., with the knee braces..., and the poker chips..." I don't even know what to say... :)
Could you tell me what's going on? Speaking of customers, I had a chat with my friend Tim on Saturday night. A loyal customer and a good guy, Tim also played a little bit of football for my alma mater here at Texas State over the past few years (quarterback, wide receiver..., the glamour positions, you know)... ;) Oh, and congratulations on earning your diploma Tim! :) Anyway, when I told Tim that Texas State and UT don't share any home football dates this fall (which is great for both schools), the topic of last fall's Bobcat home game against Texas Tech came up. The Tech game was the first to be played in the expanded 30,000 seat stadium here, and Tim told me that as the team bus approached the stadium, there was tailgating taking place almost as far out as I-35 (the Valero station), and that the players on the bus were just looking at each other in DISBELIEF... The previous capacity of the stadium was about 15,000, which pretty much forced people to park and tailgate ALL OVER TOWN for that game, which was a sellout at 30,000...
Could you get yourself in the proper frame of mind? That tweet above from @texasguy04, well..., I like the way you think! Go Spurs Go! ;)
Have a great day, enjoy Game 6 of the Finals tonight, and I'll see you tomorrow!
This post was also stolen from my blog 'Bikini Hill, 6th, & The Strip' at http://bikinihill.blogspot.com/ Please remove all of MY posts from this blog or I will keep reporting you...