Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

I Remember The First Time (10)

"I believe in cold pizza..." -@Smuirf- (via twitter)

"#txstfollowtrain where it's okay for your BAC and your GPA to be the same..."
-@BabyyLeaalz- (via twitter)

"Murder victims are always described as well-loved, wicked nice people, so I try to piss at least one person off per day for my own safety..." -@SleepingSuspect- (via twitter)

"Your college has a what?  #nicetry Try having an on-campus bar, a river that runs through campus, and parties every night! #TxStFollowTrain" -@94Laurennn- (via twitter)

"If you use your favourite song as your alarm, it won't be your favourite song for very long..."
-@_RichardParry_- (via twitter)

I remember the first time that I gave some space to the Texas State Follow Train...  It seems that the ole alma mater has some pretty clever students...  ;)

I remember the first time that I gave pizza some space in the blog (this being the first time seems highly doubtful...).  Cold pizza happens to be my favorite breakfast, so that's how you get the leadoff quote on Bikini Hill...  In related news, if you see a pizza sign on top of a vehicle around San Marcos, America, you can be sure that the delivery vehicle you're seeing WON'T BE the slow one in traffic...

I remember the first time that I shared the material of professional comics on this theme day.  If you've ever watched any of the Comedy Central celebrity roasts, you've surely seen Jeffrey Ross.  He's going by Jeff now, and he has a show called 'Jeff Ross Roasts America' on that same network.  As he tours the country, he brings up volunteer audience members to "roast."  When he was addressing one woman, he asked, "Who does your hair, the Joker?..."  Check out the show...  :)  Speaking of my diet (bet you didn't see that non-segue coming), I won't be down to 215 pounds by the end of this month because I caved and decided to eat bread again (don't worry, I'm not about to type in "nom, nom, nom..." - well, maybe I was about to)...  Anyway, this comes to you from Jim Gaffigan:  "You always hear swimming is the best exercise, but have you seen how fat whales are?  It's just not working for the whales..."  :)  Check out his 'Mr. Universe' DVD.

I remember the first time that MTV's 'The Real World' showed up at work.  Last weekend my manager told me to let some people cut in line to visit our rooftop bar because they were with 'The Real World' (somebody had a camera).  I'm sure that their credentials were good, but that just seems like a great scam, to get a group of your friends, a video camera, and to visit the local bars saying that you're part of a reality show...  :)

I remember the first time that I posted the most that I've ever posted for this blog.  This entry is my 11th post in the past 10 days, and I will also be making entries here tomorrow and Saturday (and you just thought that I was being lazy when I took that little break at the start of the month)...  :)  When you finish reading this entry, you can see my basketball predictions for tonight's and tomorrow's games by scrolling down to yesterday's entry (NCAA Tourney 2013 - Sweet 16).

I hope that you have a great day and I'll see you again tomorrow!


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