Kamis, 27 September 2012

Happy Birthday 'Bikini Hill'!!!

Good evening everyone.  Just like last week, this Friday edition of sports talk and football predictions is a little big early, but this blog's 1st birthday is less than five short hours away, and I am going to celebrate it by not doing a post tomorrow.  Actually, I'm awake right now and I'm just in the mood for making some awful football picks, so...  It's been a very eventful week as the one group who could guarantee that the NFL's regular officials would return did their job - thank you replacement officials!  Seeing that my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers are 1-2, I think that we should just count the first 3 weeks as practice and start everybody over at 0-0...  Another great reason for doing this is my brother, who will NEVER play fantasy football with me, decided to get in a league the ONE YEAR that I'm not playing because I thought that I would be betting games in Las Vegas.  His fantasy team is now 3-0, another GREAT reason to not count anything that has happened to this point...  Let me also wish Dillon and Nikole a Happy Birthday, a birthday I will never forget because it's tied into 'Bikini Hill's' birthday...  Okay, off we go...

Last week I went 4-6 with my little football bets, bringing my overall total for the season to 14-19-1.  Yes, we should start everything over...  14-19-1??  WHY do you people come here and read this stuff?!  I actually had a great shot at going 3-0 last Saturday, but I lost a Heisman candidate for Wisconsin in the 2nd quarter when Montee Ball went out (and lost that game), and then the football world just UNRAVELED for my picks on Sunday...  Okay, the ten bets that I like for this week are:

Texas (- 2) @ Oklahoma State - Longhorns look like they're on same page with new OC/DC now...
Baylor/West Virginia (Under 82 1/2) - SOMEONE has to make a tackle in this game, right?!
Stanford (-7) @ Washingon - Something I'm missing here maybe, since the Cardinal beat USC...
South Carolina (-21) @ Kentucky - Kentucky may be throwing in the towel...
Arkansas/Texas A&M (Under 66) - Aggies may have to score all 66...
Ohio State/Michigan State (Over 42) - I keep seeing 24-21 in my head (not much margin, but over)...
Alabama (- 29 1/2) over Mississippi - Almost too easy???

Dolphins/Cardinals (Over 39) - The number is just so low with Fitzgerald lurking, right?
Patriots/Bills (Over 51) - Remember when these two played last year?
Giants/Eagles (Over 47 1/2) - Seeing a lot of passing in my head...

Well, it seems that I found a lot of college games and a lot of overs/unders this week.  I hope that you enjoy your football this weekend and raise one in honor of 'Bikini Hill's' first birthday - see ya Monday!

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