Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012
Brutal/Typical 2/4 Grinding From Aliante Station
this post will be my wednesday/friday post, and then i'll come back with a ramble on monday. for the friday part first, i passed on betting 2 overs yesterday, (which both won of course). i am strongly leaning towards heading back to aliante today to bet on some sports and study some sports (i.e., what i should have done yesterday)... i sit at the 2/4 table at 1:30 p.m. i had no intention on being there for 10 hours, but i was on the wrong end of some early bad beats (in 2/4??? you say). the worst of these came on a 10 8 2 flop, where i flopped a set of 10s, a rainbow flop - yes, this gets horrible... lady with 8 7 check calls me t the river to go runner-runner straight. when she suddenly bets the river, i table my 10's faceup (remember my pocket 10's post???) grrrrrr (all caps). i knew she had it.. this was the 3rd of 3 bad beats which had me down almost 100 early on... i stayed and suffered and suffered and got half of that back - i seem to recall being down at least 108 later. ten hours, never a pair higher than jacks (which i had once). lost with that set of 10's, lost with a set of 4's, bet out my paired aces on a flop of 2 x ace to a guy who calls to the river with 2 3, going runner runner for the 4-card straight on the board. i forgot to mention this, but i wasn't sad when 8 7 lady went broke later... anyway, 2 3 guy later has kings, bets whole way, but then check-folds river when an ace shows up and is bet... funny thing, his neighbor bluffed and couldn't beat the kings... as frustrated guy racks up and leaves, he explains to a curious neighbor on his left that he folded 'because he plays right, even though it's 2/4'... yes, mr. 2 3 guy also played 9 3 suited under the gun earlier to chase down a flush, and was the one who rivered the 4-card flush on the board to beat my set of 4's... ba ha ha ha cowboys... :) i also got to witness the case card in the deck hit the river to win hands twice yesterday... 4 flopped trips, guy turned 6 for 6's full, lady rivers last 4. guy flops trips with k q, river k gives other guy with k k the one-outer... i will monitor the blog for comments, but otherwise i will see you again on monday with my ramble... have a great weekend!
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