Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

A Sale on Commissions!

It's been a little quiet around the ol' studio recently, so I've decided to launch my own little stimulus program in the form of a deal to my blog readers. I'm offering the next half-dozen sports uniform pin-up girl commissions for 15% off, $215 rather'n the usual $250. I next to NEVER offer deals on the sports commissions (mainly cause I can't afford to), so if you've had your eye on one…now's the time!

The discount will be good until I hit six commissions, or until next Wednesday, the 25th, whichever comes first. Shoot me an email (via the link on the sidebar) to discuss details and whatnot!

In addition to the examples all over the blog, there are a bunch of 'em in this gallery on my Flickr page, and this post from a few years back pretty adequately describes the process! Thanks!

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