Senin, 25 Juli 2011

FOUND: Atom-Bomb Bikini #4

Browsing one of Richmond's crappier comics shops a couple weeks back, I discovered that one of the copies of Atom-Bomb Bikini #4 I sold them back in 2005 or so languishing on a shelf in the back of the store where nobody would ever find it. It's been out of print forever...I ran out of copies in 2007 or I decided to just buy the damn thing back from them and offer it to any blog readers who might've missed out the first time around.

It's on etsy now...act fast, there's seriously only one of these to be had. I'll throw in a mess of free stickers to whoever grabs it up.

EDIT: And it's gone! Thanks, A. If I ever uncover another copy, I'll be sure & post it!

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