Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Moving Back To The ATX

"I remember the first time that I felt excited again...  I have a heartbeat, my blood is flowing, plans have been made, and the wheels are in motion..." -Chris Wyatt-

Good morning everyone.  If you have been following this blog for any length of time now, you know that making a decision about what I was going to do after my current lease expires was weighing heavily on my mind.  Should I stay in San Marcos, America, should I move back to Austin, should I return to Las Vegas, blah blah, blah blah blah blah...  This decision was made some time ago, but I had NO DESIRE to have the "You're leaving?" conversation for months, and months..., and MONTHS...  I actually signed my lease in the ATX (that's Austin, Texas - get used to it) a month ago.  The reason for this is that the apartment that I will be moving into is in an EXCELLENT LOCATION, and it is VERY INEXPENSIVE compared to the surrounding properties.  I doubt very seriously that there are any available units left at my complex.  The rent where I will be moving is actually less than what I am currently paying here in San Marcos, which is obviously a plus.  The square footage at my new place is significantly less than what I have now, but I don't really plan on being there much anyway.  I view it a lot like a Las Vegas hotel room - I will sleep there, my stuff will be there, and not much more.  After that BRUTAL August last year where the bookends of the month were me staying awake for 30-plus hours straight to pack and make the nonstop trips from San Marcos to the desert and vice versa, and then the challenging months that followed, I have my motivation and my spark back.  I happened to look at my driver's license photo today, the one that was taken back in September after I returned to town.  THAT'S WHEN I looked beaten and broken, and was...  As I alluded to briefly the other day, there are some people that I will never forget for helping me to bounce back...

What this move means for the blog is that I should have a lot more to write about, and that is reflected in the blog's new name (did you catch that when you started reading?)...  I'm told that like 7 or 8 more people live in Austin than in San Marcos, so that should give me plenty of fresh material...  ;)  For those of you who aren't familiar with Austin, Sixth Street is THE PLACE to go to have fun in the ATX.  I am by no means saying that it is the only place to let loose in Austin, but anyone who knows the city at all knows Sixth Street.  Despite the outstanding location of my apartment complex when I worked for the University of Texas two years ago, I only made it to Sixth Street a handful of times due to the dinosaur known as online poker.  Can you say PokerStars?  Since I returned from my original stint living in Las Vegas (2005-2007), this was the first time that I really got the itch to play again, and I logged A LOT of hours on the computer.  This time around I will definitely get out more, and not just to Sixth Street.  I will also cover more things (more than almost none) in the blog related to UT than I have here previously, all while continuing to write about things relevant to my alma mater (that's Texas State University, in case you haven't been paying attention for the past twenty months)...  ;)  The job market looks SO MUCH BETTER in Austin now than it has during the past few years that I HAVE TO take advantage of it.  Of course you already know that I have NO IDEA how long I will be in Austin (reference the past 300-plus posts that I've done here)...  :P  Can you believe it?:  19,000 views in the blog's first 15 months, and 16,000 in the last 5 months - thank you again for following along...  Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow!

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